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AEM and its portfolio of brands

What does it mean for Davis Instruments to be “an AEM brand?”

A few years ago, loyal Davis customers started noticing “an AEM brand” added to our brand logo.

As we approach our 55th year delivering innovative and accessible solutions, we figured it’s time to share the good news about our status as an AEM brand and talk through exactly what that means.

Who is AEM?

From a business perspective, we were acquired by Boston-based Union Park Capital in August of 2019. Union Park connected us with a family of other companies doing exciting and innovated weather-related work, and AEM, Advanced Environmental Monitoring, was born.

One of our favorite aspects of being part of AEM is we’re still Davis Instruments. We haven’t lost our identity through this process; in fact, by sharing expertise and integrating products with our sister brands, we’re capable of much more than ever before when it comes to delivering for our customers.

What other brands are part of the AEM family?

  • Earth Networks: The EN brand is home to the meteorological services team, which provides daily white glove support to a wide variety of public and private customers around the world. EN’s signature Sferic line of lightning awareness, detection, and alerting solutions – powered by the Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENTLN) – is the industry standard for education, aviation and beyond.
  • FTS: The FTS brand is North America’s recognized leader for wildfire weather intelligence. Their stations are used by every one of the top 50 government forest management agencies across the United States and Canada, with a growing footprint globally. Their point-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras, remote automated weather stations (RAWS), and software build a complete data flow for fire monitoring and detection.
  • High Sierra Electronics: The High Sierra team specializes in flood warning, water management, dam safety, and road weather safety systems that help communities keep citizens and emergency response professionals safe in the face of increasingly common floods. They build turnkey solutions, from sensors in the field to central software that both collects data for decision-making and provides automated alarms.
  • LAMBRECHT meteo: Based in Göttingen, Niedersachsen, Germany, Lambrecht has been manufacturing precision instruments since 1859. Their u[sonic] line of compact precision weather sensors is designed to stand up to the rigors of scientific study and long deployments in severe conditions. Their sensors are a great match for Davis veterans looking to go to the next level of scientific precision.
  • OneRain: As their name suggests, the OneRain brand provides comprehensive hydrometeorological awareness for private and public sector clients, with an impressive 30-year track record. Their Contrail® software platform creates a severe weather intelligence hub that risk management and emergency response professionals can use to monitor conditions in real time, understand what’s headed their way, and coordinate a response.
  • Vieux & Associates: The Vieux brand’s services help governments and teams around the world use cutting edge monitoring techniques to understand and plan for wet weather, stormwater, floods, and overall water resources management. Their engineering team specializes in radar rainfall and runoff modeling using Gauge-Adjusted Radar Rainfall (GARR) technology and building systems that enable decision making.

You can learn more about any of our sister brands here.

AEM by the numbers

weather stations deployed globally


hydrological sensors deployed globally


wildfire weather data points gathered annually

AEM’s solutions & core areas of focus 

Working with our sister brands at AEM, we’re able to deliver better for Davis’ existing customer base than ever before. WeatherLink Console owners are already experiencing the power of our increased forecasting capabilities and unprecedented library of historical weather data, thanks to collaboration with the Earth Networks brand. By integrating Davis systems with high-precision sensors from the Lambrecht brand, we can provide our research customers with better real-time data for study than ever before. We can now offer farmers in the West better wildfire intel to protect their workers and crops, thanks to FTS’ innovative work.

AEM's areas of focus

We’re thrilled to be part of the AEM family because, by combining technologies and expertise with the six other brands, we’re able to tackle some of the biggest current and emerging challenges of our time. We’ve always understood that Davis would have a key role to play as more government and businesses look to become weather-ready, but now that vision is becoming a reality around the world in new ways.

Specifically, our collaborative work at AEM is tied to four major themes:

1.     Severe weather risk management

As major winter, tropical, and thunderstorms grow in size, frequency, and destructive capacity, AEM is helping businesses and communities fight back with improved forecasting, severe weather detection and monitoring, and data-powered response coordination.

To learn more about AEM’s perspective on severe weather risk management, click here.

2.     Precision Agriculture

Precision agriculture solutions for data-powered growing

With farming getting more challenging across North America and world, AEM is connecting farmers with real-time and historic weather data to inform decision making and protect yields, profits, and the global food supply.

To learn more about AEM’s perspective on precision agriculture, click here.

3.     Flood risk management

Flood risk management solutions

With major storms increasing across the world and sea levels rising, AEM solutions help local leaders keep people, property, and infrastructure safe in coastal, low-lying, or especially flood-prone areas using a blend of monitoring, alerting, and intelligence.

To learn more about AEM’s perspective on flood risk management, click here.

4.     Wildfire risk management

Wildfire risk management solutions

The average wildfire is getting more destructive in terms of acres burned and economic impact, so AEM works with government agencies, power utilities, and emergency management organizations to accelerate detection and mitigation of wildfires.

To learn more about AEM’s perspective on wildfire risk management, click here.

Industries AEM serves

At Davis, we’ve always been proud of the incredible value we provide to farmers, researchers, and weather enthusiasts. Now, as part of AEM, our products are part of solutions that support, enable, and empower a growing number of industries and professionals around the world, including:

Communities & organizations empowered by AEM

AEM works with an incredible variety of clients around the world, but here are a few examples of customer stories that we feel illustrate the breadth of our capabilities as a family and the variety of ways in which we help businesses and communities build weather resilience.

To get your hands on more AEM customer stories, click here.

JetBlue Airways (New York)

Lightning awareness and alerting solutions from AEM have transformed both employee safety and business continuity for JetBlue. Hear Kevin Crowley from the Ground Safety Programs team explain their transformation in his own words here.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg County (North Carolina)

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg area contains a vast network of flood-prone headwaters and more than 60 streams. Learn how they developed a flood and water quality monitoring program to become one of the most flood-ready communities in North America here.

CORE Electric Cooperative (Colorado)

CORE’s risk management team wanted to take a proactive approach to wildfire monitoring so they could provide their members with great protection as well as great service. See how their COO, Pam Feuerstein, made them a wildfire readiness leader with help from AEM here.

Vesuvius National Park (Campania, Italy)

Mt. Vesuvius is famous for blowing its top 2,000 years ago, but now the surrounding area, which is a key area for scientific and cultural research, is under threat from the risk of wildfires. Read how researchers from the University of Salerno are using equipment from AEM to keep Vesuvius safe for generations to come here.

Talk to a weather specialist from AEM

If you’d like to know more about AEM solutions for businesses and government agencies or just want to know how you can take your own personal approach to weather to the next level with the collective power of AEM, we’d love to start a conversation!

You can contact AEM here, and then a weather, flood, or wildfire specialist will follow up with you based on your location, industry, and needs to start the process of assessing your goals and connecting you with the innovative solutions and proven expertise you need to get there.

We’re incredibly proud of the journey we’ve been on as Davis Instruments since 1969. Here’s to 55 more years helping communities survive and thrive in the face of escalating environmental risks as part of the AEM family!

Davis Instruments, and AEM brand

In the face of escalating environmental risks, AEM is the essential source for insights on weather, climate, lightning, floods, wildfires, water management, and more.

Learn more about AEM and all of our solutions here.

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